Nobody likes to admit they're wrong, but in this case maybe I am.
I've been searching for my space for years ... many wasted years. I've always believed I needed my place, you know, a space where I wake up every morning with a magical feeling. An environment that I love. A place that feels peaceful and serene. It doesn't have to be in nature, it's just an overall vibe I'm looking for. My own spot to create and feel 100% inspired. Everyone deserves a place like that. A place where you feel safe enough to let it all go.
For a guy who's been able to manifest some incredible things in his life, I'm having a hard time coming to terms that I've fallen short. I thought it would come to reality in Seattle. I love the energy of city life and people seem to be creating things here but it never rubbed off on me the way I had hoped. Maybe feeling like I missed the mark is all wrong. Maybe I'm using my lack of a space as a giant excuse. Here I have inspiring friends and nature near by.
Spirituality is big for me right now too and lately I've been thinking, do I really need a specific place to find and practice it? I've spent most of my life feeling protected and somewhat guided. I need to be more grateful to have a place ... any place and this area does have some magical qualities.
The gifts I have in life are very apparent and the best is yet to come. I remain grateful and positive at an age and in a world that suggests otherwise. Maybe the lesson is that it's not where you are, it's who you surround yourself with and what you hold in your heart.