Who is Terry Jaymes? That’s exactly what this podcast and YouTube show is all about. Me, trying to figure out who the hell I am. I know, there’s a ton of other people out there doing the same thing. Nothing new here. The difference between us is I’m not doing this for fame and fortune. In fact, any opportunity that comes from this will be scrutinized and thought out way before it goes to the next level. But I’m not holding my breath. Look at me, still dreaming about a positive outcome. Realistically people my age are done by now. Nobody, and I mean nobody is out there looking to give someone in their 60’s a shot. I guess what I’m trying to say here is that I just want to be relevant to somebody, somewhere in this world.

There’s a lot of stuff online about me. Some of it is true. Most of it is partially true or outright false.

Here’s the truth in a nutshell. 

I’ve achieved way more than anybody thought I would and way less than I’ve envisioned. I’m hardly a household name. I’ve been mediocre at everything. All through my childhood and adult life. From school, basketball, radio, standup comedy and television. The best you can say about me is that I have experience and that I’ve made a living doing all of those things without having to pleasure some dude in an alley. 

I’m not a total waste. I’m kinda good at storytelling and people seem to enjoy my sense of humor. I’m a pretty good husband but even that took me a long time to get there. I’m a good friend. I love to see people happy and laughing and I’m brought to tears when I see others living their dream. 

That being said, my soul won’t let me stop. I know deep in my heart I have something special to offer the world other than dick jokes. Hopefully this project will guide me to that place. 

T11 takes a realtime look at my rollercoaster life. There’s plenty of inspiration, motivation, desperation and humiliation. It’s kind of an audio diary where I open my heart while using my stories and theories to uplift others. 

Big Up!
